CM Backup - Safe,Cloud,Speedy v1.4.4.120
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Full Download MOd [New] APK Market Fullapkmodd » CM Backup - Safe,Cloud,Speedy v1.4.4.120 and Torrent Link
: CM Backup is a Safe, Simple and FREE cloud backup & restore tool developed by Clean Master's sister team: Cheetah Mobile, which can Free Up your phone by archiving your stuff on Cloud.Free APK CM Backup - Safe,Cloud,Speedy v1.4.4.120
Download today for an instant 5GB of your own personal cloud storage.
Why you need CM Backup:
All your important and irreplaceable things like contacts, messages and photos are at risk when theyre only kept on a single device. By backing them up to our secure servers, you can ensure that they're still available to you in the event that your device is ever lost, stolen or damaged.
Please don't worry, everything you have backed up in the cloud can be only viewed by yourself and it's totally safe with us!
Contacts backup & restore (Avatars, birthdays etc.)
Messages backup & restore (SMS, MMS, text messages and Hangouts)
Call logs backup & restore (Phone only)
Photos backup & restore
Web Browser Bookmarks backup & restore
Calendars backup & restore
Alarms backup & restore
Dictionary backup & restore (Input methods)
Intelligent file transfer: super-fast backup and restore speed!
Secure data transfer (SSL) and storage (256-AES) on Amazon S3 servers
Photo slimming: Compress your photos and move the original ones to the cloud, saving phone space.
Scheduled backup: automatically backup important items every day.
Task list view: Check the history of your activities.
View your backup items on the web: https:\\
Multilanguage support
No root or other authorities required
★ What you can do with CM Backup:
Import all of your contacts and data to a new phone if your old one is lost or you upgrade
One tap to move data to a new device and backup all files
Free up memory: extend your storage by saving your stuff in the cloud
View your stuff on the web by desktop: access Download Url
Easiest way to manage the cloud space of Clean Master
Best way to manage the cloud space of CM Security
★ Requested permissions:
Read & modify your contacts
It is used for Contacts backup feature, which allow our app to backup/restore your contacts.
Edit & read your text messages
It is used for SMS backup feature, which allow our app to backup/restore your messages (SMS/MMS/Hangouts)
1. Lucky Draw: 100% to win, 1TB Free Cloud Space is waiting for you!
2. Feedback page improvement;
3. Bug fixes.
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More Info CM Backup - Safe,Cloud,Speedy v1.4.4.120
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Android APK Files [New] APK Market Fullapkmodd » CM Backup - Safe,Cloud,Speedy v1.4.4.120 Full And No Hack No Survey No ROOT
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